 Authentic Movement
 Professional Background
 Healing into Wholeness




Fran Lavendel, MA, RDMP, RSMT

Professional Background


I have over thirty-five years of experience as a somatic and movement psychotherapist in private practice and as a teacher of the Discipline of Authentic Movement. In the past I have worked with children and adults in special needs schools, psychiatric hospitals and in the community. I am a registered member of the Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy (ADMP UK) and a registered somatic movement therapist with the International Somatic Movement Education & Therapy Association (ISMETA).

My training in Body-Mind Centering® in the early days of my career led to the incorporation of developmental movement principles into my practice and the beginning of an enduring commitment to the study of experiential body process as a gateway to understanding human experience.

The introduction to The Discipline of Authentic Movement in the early 90’s and continuing study since then with my teacher Janet Adler have profoundly influenced my work and my life in every way, inviting conscious presence in every moment.

I now work in various ways with people – individually and in groups – who wish to engage with the Discipline of Authentic Movement in some form in order to truly experience their embodied beings, to come ‘home’ to themselves, to open to new possibilities of being.  I am also a faculty member of the Circles of Four preparation programme for people who are interested in teaching the Discipline of Authentic Movement.

My teacher of many years, Janet Adler, has had a profound influence on my life and work, for which I have immense gratitude. A beautiful film was made by Jens Wazel just a year before her death (July 2023), offering an opportunity to meet this most remarkable woman. The link to the film is provided below, along with links to websites offering more information about the discipline.







All content copyright © Fran Lavendel, Photos Adam MacLean and Isabel Nicholson.     
Website by bosami