The Discipline
of Authentic Movement


 Authentic Movement
 Professional Background
 Healing into Wholeness




"...the body-felt connectedness among people [is] profoundly related to the source of our humanity."

Janet Adler


The Discipline of Authentic Movement is a practice that is simple in form, complex and richly textured in the many folds of relationship we experience with ourselves and with others. The intention is to stay present with ourselves, moment by moment, through deep awareness of embodied being — of our bodies.

The practice that I teach, which my teacher Janet Adler has called the Discipline of Authentic Movement, is deeply informed by her focus on the evolving development of consciousness through awareness of the embodied experience of our physical beings. This developing clarity of consciousness of self we call the inner witness.

The work is based in the relationship between the mover and an outer witness. The mover, with eyes closed, listens inwardly to the moving life of their body -- whether in stillness or movement -- allowing whatever wants to happen, surrendering to not knowing what will emerge, surrendering to trust in all that their body knows. The witness, sitting on the side, also attends to the feelings that arise as they see the mover, their own embodied experience closely accompanying that of the mover. Afterwards they speak together, bringing their two experiences into consciousness and into relationship.

The compassionate, attentive presence of the outer witness allows the mover to feel utterly seen, without judgment. In time this compassionate accepting presence becomes internalised, enabling a loosening of the grip of old stories, of the wounds of personal history, of the habitual beliefs that restrict us to a limited experience of ourselves. As the processes sourced in personal psychological history find form again and again in movement patterns, there is the opportunity for integration and healing. In time the mover’s inner witness evolves towards a similar non-judging self-acceptance as that of the outer witness, expanding into a much more spacious quality of awareness that can embrace the wholeness of being, that can be truly here: present, alive, in this moment.

As our inner witness grows more clear, less dense with all the familiar narratives about ourselves, we grow more able to see others clearly, our seeing no longer obscured by projections, interpretations, judgments. Thus the discipline is devoted to cultivation of embodied witness consciousness, in relation both to ourselves and to others, to life. To be truly awake in each moment.

The mover also opens to the possibility of moments when their experience may widen beyond the personal, expanding into a transpersonal realm of boundless being. As we practise towards the possibility of utter bodily presence in each moment, we may encounter moments of profound knowing of connection with all being. Here there may be no words, perhaps no awareness of a boundaried self -- there is awareness of only this moment. Here.

Throughout this practice we work with rigour to find language that stays as close to our felt experience as possible. We seek words that speak directly from what we feel rather than speak about it, thus bridging body knowing with consciousness. The witness speaks only from their personal experience, avoiding projection, analysis, story. In this way both mover and witness come closer to the essence of their experience, thus closer to themselves. Narratives, interpretations, even images are no longer needed if we are able to stay with what is happening in the moment, to allow our body -- in its many dimensions of experience -- to speak for itself.

Careful attention is given to safety in the practice: the circle that contains the empty space; rituals that provide a ‘holding’ form; the meeting of eyes that acknowledges the shared commitment to being fully present; the practice of thoughtful speech -- all serve to support the preparedness to engage with the unknown.

In individual work the student is the mover, held by the compassionate presence of the witness/teacher. In group work participants have the opportunity, when ready, to practise both as witnesses and movers. The student witness, learning how to speak their experience in relation to the mover, must have the guidance of a teacher who can ensure that the mover continues to feel safe.

I offer teaching to individuals and in small intensive non-residential retreat groups. All are welcome, both experienced practitioners and those new to this practice. For those new to the practice we always begin with some solo work (1:1 with me) in order that each one has a basic understanding of the particular way we practice in the Discipline of Authentic Movement and, importantly, of how we speak. Among others, many therapists and those engaged in relationship-based work find that this practice helps to cultivate clarity in their therapeutic presence, enabling greater awareness of how projections and interpretations may obscure clear seeing of the other and enhancing their ability to attend to embodied detail.

There is a preparation programme called Circles of Four for people who are interested in teaching the discipline. Individual work with a member of the faculty is an essential prerequisite for those who are considering applying to embark on this programme.

For more information on the Discipline of Authentic Movement you can visit the website:



All content copyright © Fran Lavendel, Photos Adam MacLean and Isabel Nicholson.     
Website by bosami